Metamask® Chrome Extension® - Security Measures and Support

Metamask Chrome extension seamlessly integrates with your web browser, allowing you to access your Ethereum wallet and interact with DApps without the need for additional software or hardware wallets.

Metamask® is a bridge that allows users to interact with the decentralized web. It's a powerful tool in the Ethereum ecosystem, revolutionizing how users connect with blockchain applications (DApps). The Metamask® extension serves as a secure wallet integrated directly into your browser, enabling seamless interaction with Ethereum-based applications without the need for a full blockchain node.

Core Features

Wallet Functionality

Metamask® offers a robust wallet feature that supports Ethereum (ETH), ERC-20 tokens, and ERC-721 collectibles (NFTs). Users can send, receive, and manage their assets with ease directly from their browser.

Connectivity to Decentralized Applications (DApps)

By integrating Metamask®, users unlock access to a vast universe of DApps. From games to decentralized finance (DeFi) platforms, the extension acts as a key to immersive blockchain experiences.

User Security and Privacy

Security is paramount in the blockchain space. Metamask® employs high-level encryption technology, ensuring private keys and account information are securely stored. Additionally, it enables users to control their data and interactions with DApps, enhancing privacy.

Built-in Exchange Features

The extension includes functionalities for token exchanges. Users can swap tokens directly within the wallet interface, fostering a convenient and efficient trading experience.


The Metamask® extension is available for popular web browsers, including Chrome, Firefox, and Brave. Installation is straightforward:

  1. Visit the official Metamask® website.

  2. Choose your browser and click on the installation link.

  3. Follow the browser-specific instructions to add the extension.

Account Setup

After installation, setting up your Metamask® wallet is a simple process:

  1. Click on the Metamask® icon in your browser’s extension area.

  2. Follow the on-screen instructions to create a new wallet.

  3. Securely note down the given seed phrase. This is vital for account recovery.

Last updated